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New posts in decimal

Convert hex to decimal keeping fractional part in Lua

lua decimal hex

Decimal places in SQL

mysql sql decimal precision

Converting a decimal to a hexadecimal number

C convert hex to decimal format

c decimal hex

Decimal minutes

php time decimal

c# double.parse() to always use a . period not comma

c# decimal

How to extract the decimal value of float in python

How convert decimal to POSIX time

r time decimal

Java - Decimal color to RGB color

java colors decimal rgb

How to check if the value is numeric?

r regex decimal numeric

How to keep 2 decimal places in delphi?

delphi decimal

Decimal to binary (and vice-versa)

c++ binary decimal

I have a numeric value like 30.6355 that represents money, how to round to 2 decimal places?

ruby decimal rounding

Binary to Decimal Conversion - Formula?

c# binary decimal

Check if a binary number has a '0' or a '1' at a specific position

c++ c algorithm binary decimal

Cocoa Decimals and Protocol Buffers, compatibility with .NET

Problem using decimal and money in sqlite3 with adapters

python sqlite decimal currency

Infinite fraction value in sql query column in c#

Why doesn't the decimal class use the remaining 26 bits?

c# decimal