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New posts in decimal

Python - how to test if a users input is a decimal number [duplicate]

Decimal datatype is rounding the values

mysql decimal sqldatatypes

Is the "decimal" type in C# binary-coded-decimal?

Why does this decimal show 8 decimal places on ToString()?

How to add zeros after decimal point

c# decimal

Django - Object of type Decimal is not JSON serializable and convert to model data in views

Haskell Decimal to Binary

haskell binary decimal

How can I strip zeros and decimal points off of decimal strings?

c# decimal rounding

How to take away fraction part from decimal?

c# .net formatting decimal

Problem in Converting Decimal To String in C#.Net

Regex to find integers and decimals in string

regex string integer decimal

mysql decimal round

How can I convert a binary to a decimal without using a loop?

matlab binary decimal

Difference between Cast and Convert in C#

c# decimal

Changing decimal separator with formula

excel excel-formula decimal

How do I compare two decimals to 10 decimal places?

.net decimal

PHP remove decimal from number string

php decimal eregi

Remove decimals after a numeric value in java

java excel decimal

Convert Binary to Decimal in Objective C

objective-c binary decimal

converting int to decimal choosing where to put decimal place

c# decimal