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New posts in decibel

getMaxAmplitude() always returns 0

android decibel

Android: Amplitude value to Decibel value?

How to get a volume measurement of iPhone recording in dB, with a limit of at least 120dB

C# How to get Audio Decibel values with time span

c# audio timespan decibel

Getting decibel from an Android microphone

android microphone decibel

iPhone - AVAudioPlayer - convert decibel level into percent

Android: how to convert getMaxAmplitude to db?

android decibel amplitude

Decibel Sound Meter for Android

android audio native decibel

Am I doing the right thing to convert decibel from -120 - 0 to 0 - 120

Calculate loudness level from the microphone on android [closed]

iPhone SDK: AVAudioRecorder metering -- how to change peakPowerForChannel from decibel into percentage?

How to get the reading of deciBels from iOS AVAudioRecorder in a correct scale?

How do you get the decibel level of an audio in Javascript

What does Android's getMaxAmplitude() function for the MediaRecorder actually give me?