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New posts in dbcontext

How can I append information to every SqlCommand emitted by a DbContext?

Using IQueryable<TEntity> instead DbSet<TEntity> problem

MVC3/Razor Add Controller "Get-PrimaryKey" is failing to find the Primary Key

Net core DbContextPool vs AddDbContextPool and more

DbContext code generation stategy fails with Entity framework 5 and VS 2012

Right way to work with dbContext

NULL handling in dbcontext and objectcontext

Can I programmatically instantiate a named LocalDb instance?

EntitySet System.InvalidOperationException - "the entity type is not part of the model for the current context"

Entity Framework 5 - Immediately refresh DbContext after saving changes

Is it a good idea to wrap my DbContext in a Unit of Work class?

EF get list of records in runtime from Type

Insert new/Update existing record with one to many relationship

EF 6 Code First, changing a Foreign Key Id with an Include on navigation property causes "A referential integrity constraint violation occurred" error

Using Both ObjectContext and DbContext

The element 'entityFramework' has invalid child element 'providers'. List of possible elements expected: 'contexts'

'MySQLDbContextOptionsBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'ServerVersion'

DbContext.Entry attaching Entity

Multi-tenancy web application with filtered dbContext

npgsql schema "dbo" does not exist