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New posts in dbcontext

Where is DbContext.Database.Migrate() method?

The context cannot be used while the model is being created. dbContext is being used somewhere else?

C# How to extend class that exist in a different dll by adding a property to it?

Random errors occur with per-request DbContext

Why is the seed method not being called?

Are there DbContext functions not available in ObjectContext?

Server-side validation

validation dbcontext breeze

Windsor and DbContext per request - DbContext has been disposed

MVC 5 Scaffolding with inheritance uses the wrong entity set

Accessing HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name in the DbContext

C# EF 4.1 Create table dynamically within DbContext

what is UserQuery in Linqpad? [duplicate]

linq c#-4.0 dbcontext linqpad

Differences between create our own UoW/Repository vs using DbContext directly

Manually Provide DbContext to DbMigrator

MVC 5 - Controller dispose method

Initiating 2 DBContext objects one for logs and the other for Business Data inside c# console application

DbContext ChangeTracker: Id of Added Entity for Auditing

Entity Framework 5 code first - where is the database created

What do I need to add into OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) function to define relations between Person and Role?

How to Refresh DbContext