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New posts in datetime-format

get timezone in "+0100" (for example) format

Eliminating the subtle whitespace handling difference between DateTimeFormat and Joda's DateTimeFormatter

How to define DateTime parse format for general date format with optional time part?

How to separate date and time in php?

Npoi ICell.DateCellValue return NullReferenceException

c# datetime-format npoi

DateTimeFormatter adding a year to date after formatting [duplicate]

java datetime-format

Have a list of hours between two dates in python

Get custom datetime format from standard format

c# datetime datetime-format

Python UTC timestamp with ISO format

How to format LocalDate to ISO 8601 with T and Z?

C# - Convert DateTime format yyyy-MM-dd [closed]

c# ssis datetime-format

DateTime::format and strftime

Localized date format in Java

java datetime-format

How can I get the difference between 2 times?

Why is "YYYY-MM-DD HH':'MM':'SS" DateTime Format Displaying Incorrectly?

how do i use timezone in Twig date filter?

Different time format between browsers

Instances of CultureInfo (from same culture) changing based on OS

.NET Date to string gives invalid strings in Vista Pseudo-cultures