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New posts in date-format

java local timeformat without year

How to get yesterday date in node.js backend?

iOS - Friendly NSDate format

Why is the date format different for the same culture on different computers or OS?

Why does java.text.DateFormat return the same date format for en_US and en_GB on Android?

Javascript users incorrect locale with date formatting

Invalid argument 'date format' for pipe 'DatePipe'?

Formatting time on Android, while following preferences (24 hr clock vs. AM/PM, etc..)

android time date-format

If-Modified-Since Date Format

java date date-format

How to check if a string is a legal "dd/mm/yyyy" date?

Gson dateformat to serialize/deserialize unix-timestamps

Java 8 DateTimeFormatter two digit year 18 parsed to 0018 instead of 2018?

Month is not printed from a date - Java DateFormat

java date calendar date-format

get current date in dd-mm-yyyy format

Date to String in 'social' format

java date date-format

When using jquery datepicker, what is the correct way to handle people typing in dates in different formats?

Why Does Java's SimpleDateFormat parse this

How to use a localized "short format" when formatting dates in Django?

python django date-format

UTC Time Assignment in VBScript

vbscript date-format utc