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New posts in datareader

DataReader best-practices


how can i loop through all of the columns of the OracleDataReader

c# sql datareader

Is datareader quicker than dataset when populating a datatable?

Dapper handling returned empty result set

datareader dapper

Output parameters not readable when used with a DataReader

DataReader.GetString() via columnname

sql datareader

IDataReader - Any way to get the total rows?

c# count rows datareader

Using ASP.NET MVC without an ORM

DataReader[i] vs DataReader.GetValue(i) vs DataReader.GetString(i)

.net ado.net datareader

Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. C# when using IDataReader

Generic Relational to Composite C# Object Mapper

c# datareader

WinRT No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page

Handle NULL values when reading through OracleDataReader?

DataReader - hardcode ordinals?

I am wondering about the state of connection and impact on code performance by 'yield' while iterating over data reader object

DataReader: Specified cast is not valid (Int32)

How to handle multiple ResultSets, each with multiple Rows? IDataReader.NextResult() ending Read()

Enforce only single row returned from DataReader

Convert rows from a data reader into typed results

c# list datareader

Reading a date using DataReader

c# .net ado.net datareader