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New posts in database-design

temporal database modeling and normalisation

How to make session to allow different project?

Choosing a primary key for many-many relation

What to name column in database table that holds versioning number

What is better: to have many similar databases or one database with similar tables or one database with one table? [closed]

What are appropriate ways to represent relationships between people in a database table?

How to represent a 3-way relation with JPA?

java database-design jpa

Database design for high sample rate data, graphing at multiple zoom levels

Business layer design dilemma: memory or IO?

Class Design Vs Db Design (ER-Diagram)

Database Design :: Normalization in 2 Participant Event :: Join Table or 2 Column?

Relational Design: Column Attributes

Bits vs Char - What's the best way to store 3 mutually exclusive flags?

Database design with dynamic fields: single table vs many tables - many indexes

Database Design for Facebook "likes"

Grouping serial posts in a user feed

Role Based Access Control in a Tree System

Delete records from a database or simply hide them during Reads?

Best practice for storing credit balance in web application

PostgreSQL partitioning with joined table - partition constraint not used in query plan