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Mysql database design for customer multiple addresses and default address

What is the advantage of using a date dimension table over directly storing a date?

How should I model my MongoDB collection for nested documents?

Which column type for storing the year field in a table with rows of yearly data

User-sortable records

database database-design

Upgrade strategies for bad DB schema designs

Do relational databases provide a feasible backend for a process historian?

Oracle Schema Design: Seperate Schema with I/O Overhead?

Restating a primary key to identify an employee


Database MySql design - varchar length for utf8 fields :: 1. password 2. username 3.email

User Messages Database Schema?

A huge data storage problem

How to design a database with a table that needs to reference itself?


Whats faster in Oracle? Small table with tree structure vs. Huge flat table

Your first gut feeling on this SqlServer design question

dynamic database design?

database database-design

Hadoop (+HBase/HDFS) vs Mysql (or Postgres) - Loads of independent, structured data to be processed and queried

Saving user's height and weight

Why do Hibernate docs recommend to use a join table for a one-to-many relation?

Local SQLite vs Remote MongoDB