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Can i create each table for each user in my social networking site?

How to build a good API on top of a bad database?

Tips on managing a large number of database tables for a given database model

SQL: how would you save users' own data?

What is the best way to store one-to-many or many-to-many relationships in PostgreSQL?

Database normalization for Addresses

MySQL booking site: query/db optimization

Is it okay to store JSON array data in a MySQL database?

(Somewhat) complicated database structure vs. simple — with null fields

Database design - should I use 30 columns or 1 column with all data in form of JSON/XML?

How can we deal with intersection tables that quickly grow very large?

database database-design

Why I can create table columns named "key" and "value", but I can't use them later?

Should I use EAV database design model or a lot of tables

Create an aspect in Alfresco Content Model

Single Keyspace or Multiple Keyspace in cassandra datamodel

Mysql order by on column with unicode characters

Foreign key of serial type - ensure always populated manually

MYSQL schema for comment system

Database : best way to model a spreadsheet

Modeling One-to-Constant Relationship

oracle database-design