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New posts in data.table

Apply function on each cell in a column and add the result to a new column

r data.table

Equivalent for dlply in data.table

r data.table

decimal point setting in fread, data.table

r data.table

R: Force data.table to compute all interactions

Select one row from each group in a large data.table based on a condition [duplicate]

r data.table

R data.table Size and Memory Limits

r data.table

Apply function across subset of columns in data.table with .SDcols

r data.table

Is there a dplyr or data.table equivalent to plyr::join_all? Joining by a list of data frames?

r data.table dplyr plyr

Efficient method for counting open cases at time of each case's submission in large data set

wide format with dcast data.table [closed]

r data.table dcast

Conditional data.table merge with .EACHI

r data.table

R: fast (conditional) subsetting where feasible

r data.table subset

Apply a function to each column with a condition in data.table [R]

r data.table

Does the order of keys in data.table matter?

r data.table

dec argument in data.table::fread

r csv data.table

Getting rowSums in a data table in R [duplicate]

r data.table

do.call rbind of data.table depends on location of NA

r data.table rbind do.call

Improve performance of data.table date+time pasting?

Unable to use eval(parse(...)) in data.table [,:=] function

r data.table

Add missing rows to data.table according to multiple keyed columns

r merge data.table cross-join