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New posts in data.table

Equivalent to ddply(...,transform,...) in data.table

r transform data.table plyr

R data.table subsetting on multiple conditions.

r data.table

Apply different functions to different sets of columns by group

r data.table collapse

Time series as `ts` column in data.table?

r time-series data.table

(Efficiently) merge random keyed subset

r data.table

data.table replace NA with mean for multiple columns and by id

r data.table missing-data

Nested ifelse with varying columns in data.table

r dataframe data.table dplyr

R: data.table. How to save dates properly with fwrite?

Learning data.table - how to update values by row number and column name

r data.table

data.table: Select n specific rows before & after other rows meeting a condition

r data.table

Remove *all* duplicate rows, unless there's a "similar" row

r data.table

Create flag indicating if year variable is in the range of start:end variables in data.table

r data.table

Compare two rows of a data.table and show only columns with differences [duplicate]

r data.table compare

Extract most recent entry, under a certain condition

r indexing split plyr data.table

Subset row and column at the same time

r data.table

using data.table to speed up rollapply

r dataframe data.table apply xts

How to pass different arguments to each group in grouping of data.table?

r data.table

Apply Encoding to Entire Data.Table

Creating a data partition using caret and data.table

r data.table r-caret

Remove columns of dataframe based on conditions in R