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Nested ifelse with varying columns in data.table

I need to compute a "best value" for each row of some columns of a data.table. The best value for each row is the value of the first non-NA column in the given order of selected columns.

As a requirement, the columns to include may vary by order or number. In addition, the name of the column giving the best value should be stored for each row.

Example data


n <- 7
dt <- sample.int(100, n*5, replace = TRUE) %>% 
  ifelse(. < 35, NA, .) %>% 
  matrix(, nrow = n) %>% 

the sample data.table is

   V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
1: NA NA NA NA 84
2: 63 67 84 NA NA
3: 61 52 NA NA 46
4: 63 70 NA NA NA
5: 87 55 NA 82 NA
6: 65 NA NA 53 51
7: NA 93 NA 92 NA

The columns to be included in the given order are

selected_cols <- c("V3", "V4", "V1")

Expected result with hard-coded nested ifelse

The hardcoded version

dt[, best_value := ifelse(!is.na(V3), V3, ifelse(!is.na(V4), V4, V1))]

will give the expected result for the best value

   V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 best_value
1: NA NA NA NA 84         NA
2: 63 67 84 NA NA         84
3: 61 52 NA NA 46         61
4: 63 70 NA NA NA         63
5: 87 55 NA 82 NA         82
6: 65 NA NA 53 51         53
7: NA 93 NA 92 NA         92

but it still doesn't show from which of the columns the best value was taken.

In row 2 column V3 already has a non-NA value. For rows 5, 6, and 7, the values from column V4 are taken. Finally, column V1 gives the values for rows 3 and 4 where both V3 and V4 are NA. Row 1 contains a NA because all columns under consideration are NA.

Flexible approach with for loop

Using a for loop over the selected columns and some data.table features

dt[, best_value := NA_integer_]
dt[, best_col := NA_character_]
for (x in selected_cols) {
  dt[is.na(best_value), best_col := ifelse(!is.na(.SD), names(.SD), NA), .SDcols = x]
  dt[is.na(best_value), best_value:= .SD, .SDcols = x]

we get the full expected result

   V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 best_value best_col
1: NA NA NA NA 84         NA       NA
2: 63 67 84 NA NA         84       V3
3: 61 52 NA NA 46         61       V1
4: 63 70 NA NA NA         63       V1
5: 87 55 NA 82 NA         82       V4
6: 65 NA NA 53 51         53       V4
7: NA 93 NA 92 NA         92       V4

In addition, the vector of columns to be included can be changed easily.


However, the approach with a for loop with two statements looks rather clumsy to me and not very data.table-like.

Is there a better way to achieve these result with data.table or dplyr or even in base R?

like image 786
Uwe Avatar asked Jun 12 '16 17:06


2 Answers

Working on your 'for' loop and taking advantage of the list - data.table structure:

ans_col = rep_len(NA_character_, nrow(dt))
ans_val = rep_len(NA_real_, nrow(dt))
for(col in selected_cols) {
    i = is.na(ans_col) & (!is.na(dt[[col]]))
    ans_col[i] = col
    ans_val[i] = dt[[col]][i]   
data.frame(ans_val, ans_col)
#  ans_val ans_col
#1      NA    <NA>
#2      84      V3
#3      61      V1
#4      63      V1
#5      82      V4
#6      53      V4
#7      92      V4
like image 131
alexis_laz Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11


We specify the 'selected_cols' in .SDcols, grouped by sequence of rows, we unlist the Subset of Data.table (unlist(.SD)), get the index of the first non-NA value ('j1'), use that to get the 'v1' corresponding to the index and the column names, assign (:=) to create two new columns.

dt[, c("best_val", "best_col") := {v1 <- unlist(.SD)
     j1 <- which(!is.na(v1))[1]
     list(v1[j1], names(.SD)[j1]) },
        .SDcols = selected_cols, by = 1:nrow(dt)]
#   V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 best_val best_col
#1: NA NA NA NA 84       NA       NA
#2: 63 67 84 NA NA       84       V3
#3: 61 52 NA NA 46       61       V1
#4: 63 70 NA NA NA       63       V1
#5: 87 55 NA 82 NA       82       V4
#6: 65 NA NA 53 51       53       V4
#7: NA 93 NA 92 NA       92       V4

If we are using base R, row/column indexing can be used with max.col

j1 <-  max.col(!is.na(dt[selected_cols]), "first")
best_value <- dt[selected_cols][cbind(1:nrow(dt),j1)]
#[1] NA 84 61 63 82 53 92
j2 <- j1*NA^(!rowSums(!is.na(dt[selected_cols])))

best_col <- selected_cols[j2]
#[1] NA   "V3" "V1" "V1" "V4" "V4" "V4"
like image 37
akrun Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11
