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New posts in data.table

reshaping data (a faster way)

r data.table plyr

Remove trailing (last) rows with NAs in all columns

Extract rows where value appears in any of multiple columns

r dplyr data.table

convert dplyr join syntax into pure data.table syntax

r join data.table dplyr

Using gsub adding new column in a data.table

r data.table

diff on data.table column

r data.table diff rollapply

recoding data in r

r dataframe data.table

How do you replace a whole row of a data.table with NA?

r data.table

Keep first row by multiple columns in an R data.table

r duplicates data.table

Use data.table set() to convert all columns from integer to numeric

r data.table

Data.table - left outer join on multiple tables

r data.table

Count number of rows within certain range

R data.table %like% with logical AND

r data.table sql-like

Subset by consecutive years in a data.frame

r dataframe data.table

Reshape data from long to a short format by a variable, and rename columns

data.table join and j-expression unexpected behavior

r data.table

R plyr, data.table, apply certain columns of data.frame

r data.table plyr apply

Splitting text column into ragged multiple new columns in a data table in R

Filter data table by dynamic column name

r dataframe data.table