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New posts in data.table

Correlation between numeric and logical variable gives (intended) error?

r data.table

Programmatic subsetting of a data.table in R

r data.table

R: How to sum values from rows only if the key value is the same and also if the key duplicated in consecutive rows?

r data.table

Why does setnames() affect copied tables?

r data.table

"object 'ansvals' not found" error - what does it mean?

r data.table

How to add time series objects (ts) in a data.table, by row?

r data.table time-series

How can I reshape a data.table when the order of the registers determines the category?

Loop through data.table and create new columns basis some condition

r data.table

How to refer to multiple previous rows in R data.table

r data.table

data.table: lapply a function with multicolumn output

r data.table hmisc

Count unique values of a column by pairwise combinations of another column and group by third column in R

r dataframe data.table

R: Referencing data.table fields in cut function in j clause

r data.table

How to merge lists of vectors based on one vector belonging to another vector?

r list merge data.table

How to merge all elements of a list with another data table on condition

r list merge data.table

"recursive" self join in data.table

How to do faster list-column operations inside data.table

r data.table mapply furrr

R data.table use variable name for assignment in group by [duplicate]

r data.table grouping

Preferred performant procedure for R data.table row-wise operations?

How can I subset the negation of a key value using R's data.table package?

r data.table

Breaking a list of character strings into partitions

r subset plyr data.table