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Programmatic subsetting of a data.table in R




This feels like a really simple question but its solution has eluded me for about 90 minutes of trying, searching and reading manuals and online.

Say I've got a data.table:

DT<-data.table(a=runif(n = 10),b=runif(n = 10),c=runif(n = 10))

Clearly something like this works:

DT[a > 0.5]

and gives me the subset of DT where the values in column "a" are greater than 0.5. But what if I want to be a bit more flexible (because the subset is embedded in a larger routine).

What I'd like to do is make this proto-function work:


I've tried without success, among many others...


Any suggestions? Many thanks for your time in advance!

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russfx Avatar asked Apr 01 '15 16:04


1 Answers

If you want to pass a string, then do this:

flexSubset = function(sColumnToSubset, dMin)
                DT[get(sColumnToSubset) > dMin]

flexSubset("a", 0.5)

If you want to pass an unevaluated expression, then:

flexSubset = function(sColumnToSubset, dMin) {
                lhs = substitute(sColumnToSubset)
                DT[eval(lhs) > dMin]

flexSubset(a, 0.5)
flexSubset(a / b, 0.5)
like image 169
eddi Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 06:11
