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New posts in data.table

Should data.table's CJ continue accommodating arguments with duplicate elements?

r data.table

create data.table with column name from string variable

r data.table

data.table: preallocating memory for future columns

r data.table

Applying a function to all columns of a data.table together with a group-by

r group-by data.table

Best way to convert R data.table to pandas.DataFrame? [closed]

python r pandas data.table

Object not found for lapply data.table within function

r data.table

Removing reverse duplicate rows

R - Shiny Data Table (renderDataTable) reloads to first page when user is on a different page and updates a certain column value (selectInput)

R data.table assigning single-row list-type columns

r data.table

update numeric variables for each row of a group as the minimum of a subgroup

r data.table

Why data.table unnesting time grows with the square of number of rows for a specific dataset?

r data.table

Alternative to sqlite OR a better way to handle date / time fields in sqlite

r sqlite date data.table

R reshaping melted data.table with list column

r data.table bigdata reshape

Tricks to avoid duplication of memory allocation when returning data.table or data.frame in R?

creating data.table::ITime vector

r data.table

R: Update with value of previous row (subject to condition)

r data.table

Expand data.table with combinations of two columns given condition in another column

create an expression from a function for data.table to eval

r data.table

dcast warning: ‘Aggregation function missing: defaulting to length’

r data.table reshape reshape2

Row sums over columns with a certain pattern in their name

r data.table