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R: Update with value of previous row (subject to condition)




I would like to update the value in a table with values of the previous row, within groups, (and probably stop the updates on a given condition)

Here is an example:


field <- data.table(time=1:3, player = letters[1:2], prospects = round(rnorm(6),2))
setkey(field, player, time)
field[time == 1, energy := round(rnorm(2),2)] #initial level - this is what I want to propagate down the table
#let 'prospects < 0.27' be the condition that stops the process, and sets 'energy = 0'
#player defines the groups within which the updates are made

Here is the table I have.

> field
time player prospects energy
1:    1      a      0.81  -0.32
2:    2      a      0.25     NA
3:    3      a      2.05     NA
4:    1      b      1.63  -1.66
5:    2      b      2.20     NA
6:    3      b      0.49     NA

Here is the table I want.

> field
time player prospects energy
1:    1      a      0.81  -0.32
2:    2      a      0.25  0
3:    3      a      2.05  0
4:    1      b      1.63  -1.66
5:    2      b      2.20  -1.66
6:    3      b      0.49  -1.66

Thanks in advance

like image 823
user2627717 Avatar asked Nov 02 '22 14:11


1 Answers

Probably there are better ways, but this is what came to my mind. This makes use of roll=TRUE argument. The idea is to first set energy=0.0 where prospects < 0.27:

field[prospects < 0.27, energy := 0.0]

Then, if we remove the NA values from field, we can use roll=TRUE by doing a join with all combinations as follows:

field[!is.na(energy)][CJ(c("a", "b"), 1:3), roll=TRUE][, prospects := field$prospects][]
#    player time prospects energy
# 1:      a    1      0.81   0.63
# 2:      a    2      0.25   0.00
# 3:      a    3      2.05   0.00
# 4:      b    1      1.63  -0.28
# 5:      b    2      2.20  -0.28
# 6:      b    3      0.49  -0.28

We've to reset prospects because the roll changes it too. You could do it better, but you get the idea.

A variation, so that the roll is performed only on energy column:

field[!is.na(energy)][CJ(c("a", "b"), 1:3), list(energy), 
           roll=TRUE][, prospects := field$prospects][]

Or it may be simpler to use na.locf from package zoo :

field[time == 1, energy := round(rnorm(2),2)]
field[prospects < 0.27, energy := 0.0]
field[, energy := na.locf(energy, na.rm=FALSE)]

which works if the first row of each group is guaranteed to be non-NA, which it is here by construction. But if not, you can run na.locf by group, too :

field[, energy := na.locf(energy, na.rm=FALSE), by=player]
like image 169
Arun Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 08:11
