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The Author column in the CVS history disappeared from Eclipse

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SVN vs VSS vs CVS Comparing HELP

CVS or SVN or GIT? [duplicate]

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Should you comment changes in code and in the changelog?

Is there any reasonable way to migrate from subversion to cvs?

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CVS checkout on Jenkins via CVS plugin much slower than CVS checkout on command line or via post-build script

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Get revision number of a tagged file in WinCvs

How to check out a CVS repository in Windows with Unix line endings with Jenkins?

Not able to list files in a cvs module in command line?

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How do I import an existing CVS module into a subdirectory of an existing git repository

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CVS repository missing connection types

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Going retro: Learning CVS, coming from SVN

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vimdiff and CVS integration

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How to clone CVS repository with empty directories

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Do you know a good open-source version-control viewer?

How do I highlight CVS changes in Emacs?

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Git/Mercurial locally ontop of local cvs checkout

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CVS Diff to output only modified files?

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What does doxygen's $Id: ... $ mean

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Managing documents using GIT

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