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Rank Source Control Options-VSS vs CVS vs none vs your own hell [closed]

How to use CVS with the maven-release-plugin?

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CVS ampersand modules equivalent in git

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Example of a backdoor submitted to an open source project? [closed]

How do I download the source for BIRT?

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How can I set up Eclipse to use ssh-agent for cvs?

eclipse ssh cvs

Get a CVS log/history similar to the "git log" command?

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Eclipse does not respect .cvsignore

eclipse cvs

Is there a way to remove all sticky options in CVS?

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Commit code into CVS in eclipse without updating on the server side

eclipse cvs

why should .pbxproj file be treated as binary in version control systems?

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cvs2svn fails with "xxx is not a valid ,v file"

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CVS to Mercurial conversion: end of line problem

mercurial cvs eol

Is CVS with Eclipse using the command line possible?

cvs rtag: [07:34:59] waiting for cvsuser's lock in


Does anyone know the CVS command line options to get the details of the last check in?

CVS comma-v files in Attic and directory

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Can CVS and Subversion be set to ignore whitespace in merging?

What does a status of "P" mean during a Tortoise CVS Update operation?

cvs tortoisecvs