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New posts in custom-action

32 and 64 bit assemblies in one windows installer

Extract a custom action's dll from msi-file

How do I write custom action DLL for use in an MSI?

Installer Custom Action problem - can't write to register key

WIX C++ Custom Action

customize rails_admin delete action for a specific model

Run batch file in Windows Installer Commit

Stop windows service before perform the uninstallation

Wix - Run an exe ( with arguments ) at end of install, which wasn't installed by current MSI

Custom Action not working - Visual Studio Setup Project

WiX 3.7: How to delete registry key on uninstall based on condition set by user?

Wix CustomAction [C#] session.Message is not show during the installation

c# wix custom-action

Error 1001 using custom installer with Visual Studio 2008

How to run custom action based on condition?

WiX 3.5 Install Service from Heat, Need from Custom Action?

WIX: Using a temporary file during install

Inserting Custom Action between Dialogs (InstallUISequence) in WiX

Custom Installer in .Net showing Form behind installer

How do you execute a custom action in WiX only if an installed feature is being uninstalled?