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New posts in css3pie

Will CSS3PIE .htc file load for other browsers even they don't need?

Why are CSS3 PIE and other similar scripts not in use everywhere?

web-standards css3pie

Is it possible to apply CSS3Pie border radius to jQuery UI globally?

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PIE CSS: rgba backgrounds + box shadows

how reliable is css3 pie [closed]

css cross-browser css3pie

css3pie: Does CSS behavioral property allow relative URLs?

CSS3 Pie Not Working in IE8

Do :nth-of-type(n) "n" counters increment independently with others in the same CSS rule?

css css3pie

css3pie messes up DOM, results in jQuery selector errors

javascript jquery css css3pie

CSS3Pie causing startup error

javascript css3pie

CSS3 Pie not working at All, tried everything

css css3pie

Overflow:hidden for rounded borders using css3pie in IE8?

javascript css css3pie

Using CSS3Pie htc for border-radius in IE8

css css3pie html-components

where do I put the PIE.htc file (for making IE work with CSS3) when I'm using cakephp

css3pie in MVC, where to place the pie.htc file?

CSS3 and PIE not working in IE 8

How does css3pie work?

Modernizr, html5shiv, ie7.js, and CSS3 Pie. Which to use and when?

css3 text-shadow in IE9