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css3pie messes up DOM, results in jQuery selector errors

In order to get CSS3 effects (border-radius, box-shadow...) on IE 6/7/8, I'm using css3pie.

However, css3pie generates some css3-container (v1) / css3pie (v2) tags in DOM, which disorders the expected architecture. Here is an example:


pre {
    border: 1px solid #aaa;
    border-radius: 5px;
    behavior: url(pie.htc);


<div class="foo">bar</div>
<p class="getme">paragraph</p>


// undefined        expected: getme

// css3-container   expected: p

// getme            expected: foo

// 4                expected: 3

// will not set     expected: Impact
$("p+pre").css({fontFamily: "Impact"});

// it almost affects all such jQuery selctors

The actual generated source is like this:

<DIV class="foo">bar</DIV>
<P class="paragraph">paragraph</P>

Has anyone encountered this kind of problems? Any workaround? Is there an alternative to css3pie to get CSS3 working on IE 6/7/8?

like image 570
user1643156 Avatar asked Feb 05 '13 01:02


1 Answers

I tried using CSS3PIE too, and faced similar problems (mostly with jquery and mediaqueries). I found no easy/practical solution for all the problems it causes, indeed.

My advice would be to use Modernizr's load to progressively enhance older IE's user experience. It requires an harder/longer process, as you've to setup a single polyfill for each and every CSS3 feature. As mario.tco already told you, there's a list of cross-browser polyfills on Modernizr's repo. And here's a list of feature detection snippets.

Also have a look at html5please and caniuse.

In regard to IE6 and 7, unless your site statistics indicate something different, usage rates are below 1% on average (with some exceptions, check ie6countdown), so you can almost ignore them. However, with conditional comments you can target each IE<10 version with specific fallbacks.

Keep in mind that you don't really need to have box-shadows and other visual decorations (unless they are needed for usability) on IE<9. Indeed, any fallback will probably cause a huge performance problem (think about what hardware an IE7 user could have). Websites don't need to look exactly the same in any browser.

like image 130
Giona Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
