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New posts in css-animations

A way to read out or change CSS animation keyframes

CSS Animation not going through all Keyframes

css css-animations

Inconsistent behaviour with backface-visibility between browsers

Vertically Align Rect Elements Inside SVG By Center of Rect

css svg css-animations

CSS3 animation background not work on firefox

css css-animations

How to reverse animation on mouse out after hover

Setting animation-delay in Safari overwrites animation property, but not in Chrome

CSS style transform vs svg transform

CSS Animation Delay Bug In Safari

Activate CSS3 keyframe animation when the content scrolls into view

css animations, animation-name, smoothstate.js

How to animate with CSS sprites either way (A or B)?

wow.js happens only when scroll down once

css scroll css-animations

Flickering CSS animation on IE only

How can I scale a div without scaling its casted box-shadow in a performant way?

Radiating circle effect using CSS and Javascript

CSS3 Animation: Forwards fill not working with position and display on Safari

CSS animation overloads CPU

CSS animation jumps at the end on Safari

CSS3 animation with keyframes and background-size property not working in Chrome 51

css css-animations