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New posts in css-animations

Can I use :hover to trigger a CSS3 animation (or transition) which keeps running even when the mouse is no longer hovering

CSS unfolding box animation

css html css-animations

CSS3 animate slide/hide navigation to influence other elements

html css css-animations

-webkit-animation-play-state not working on iOS 8.1 (probably lower too)

ios css-animations

CSS3 animation function for smooth 3D revolution?

css rotation css-animations

Why is the spinner not spinning/rotating?

Animate.CSS Adding Scroll Bar?

How to reverse a CSS animation on unchecked state?

Svg animation with css - fallbacks IE

css svg css-animations

Start and end of stroke animation

css svg css-animations

How to prevent repaint of other elements when using CSS transition

CSS3 3D bend perspective

Toggling a CSS3 animation on click

Change Animation speed on hover

css hover css-animations

translate3d between 0% and negative % in IE10

How to get rid of the white flash when changing background image with animation?

css html css-animations

CSS glow animation keyframes work on Chrome but not iOS Safari

How can `animation-play-state` in CSS be initially set to `paused` and changed to `running`?

css css-animations

Border radius and overflow aren't respected when animation is added on a different element

webkit translate3d issues (peek-thru)