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New posts in coronasdk

Corona LUA and OOP Design

iphone sdk lua coronasdk

Could I extend Corona with native code?

Lua gmatch odd characters (Slovak alphabet)

Why is my event handler not allowing me to access event.target?

lua coronasdk

Calling function from a different lua-file

function module lua coronasdk

Lua Editor for Corona SDK (Eclipse Indigo Plugin)

In Lua, how can I tell if a number divides evenly into another number?

math lua division coronasdk

How to have multiple Lua files when working with Corona SDK?

lua coronasdk

Corona: Attempt to concatenate global 'sceneName'

lua storyboard coronasdk scene

Object assignment Lua

lua coronasdk

Position of the Sun (azimuth) in Lua

lua sdk coronasdk sun azimuth

Get file name from URL using Lua

method for serializing lua tables

How to support IOS6 and IOS7 app icons and launch images in the same app?

ios ios7 icons coronasdk

Instagram "You Cannot Like this Media"

coronasdk instagram

Corona SDK Cross Device Screen Resolution

Integrate an Android app (.apk) into an existing Android project

Using IntelliJ IDE and Lua Programming Language to make Corona Applications

Lua - if statement with two conditions on the same variable?

if-statement lua coronasdk