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New posts in coronasdk

How can find the missing bracket in this code?

lua coronasdk

LUA (Corona SDK) math.floor() return wrong value with increment of 0.1

lua coronasdk

get IP Address in Lua

Lua table - two entries with same key

json lua coronasdk lua-table

How to create and save settings in corona sdk?

android ios coronasdk

why can't this Lua function using a self ":" be marked "local" without getting "'(' expected near ':'"

lua coronasdk

Is there a method to remove item from ScrollView widget?

lua coronasdk

Random number gen w/ seed acting non-deterministic

Starting with Corona Enterprise Plugin Development

android coronasdk

LUA and Corona error: Attempt To Call Method ' ' (A Nil Value) - Driving Me Crazy

lua coronasdk

How to get numbers to always display as two digits

lua coronasdk

How do I create a Loading screen in Corona SDK?

Function creating in Lua

function lua coronasdk

Attempt to index local (a boolean value)

lua coronasdk

How do I change the tableView library in Corona SDK for Retina Graphics

Reloading screen in corona

lua coronasdk

How do you install an APK file it build from corona sdk in the Android emulator?

lua apk coronasdk

Is it possible to type in Furigana (and Ruby characters) using Unicode?

Corona performance?

Corona SDK produced iPhone app size

iphone coronasdk