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New posts in core-text

Draw underlined / strikethrough text ( MULTILINE STRING )?

NSString boundingRectWithSize cutting height short with CoreText Framesetter ? iOS

put UILabel/UITextField on next line instead of pushing out of view

How to avoid memory leak with CTFontCreateWithGraphicsFont?

c macos core-text refcounting

CGContextShowTextAtPoint and white space

How do I draw text which flows around objects at the top and bottom right?

Line spacing and paragraph alignment in CoreText

How to get the rect of the last character using Core Text

ios cocoa-touch core-text

Rendering CoreText within an irregular shape

Memory usage grows with CTFontCreateWithName and CTFramesetterRef

Swift - Playground - Core Graphics / Core Text / Custom View

How does Apple's text rendering draw a glyph that a font doesn't have?

unicode fonts core-text

How can I vertically center a line in an NSAttributedString with different fonts?

CGPathRef from string

Detecting tapped character. UITextView characterRangeAtPoint always returns nil

iOS: Draw a text at a point in a rectangle

ios objective-c core-text

Adding outline/stroke to UITextView

Changing attributes on a UITextView without resetting the attributedText property

ios uikit core-text

CoreText alternatives to deprecated CGContext text functions