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New posts in core-motion

Core Motion in the background?

iphone ios core-motion

How can I detect device orientation when the Orientation Lock is on and the app only supports Portrait

CoreMotion - get left-right, bottom-up movement on iPhone in landscape

Unusual CoreMotion Sensorfusion Data

ios swift core-motion

I get OSSpinLockLock when calling startDeviceMotionUpdatesToQueue inside a controller

ios objective-c core-motion

How to use deviceMotion attitude values (roll,pitch and yaw) to detect a motion

ios core-motion

Calculating Lean Angle with Core Motion

How to detect if M7 is present, a.k.a it is an iPhone 5S or newer?

ios sdk core-motion apple-m7

Wrong compass heading values with CoreMotion

explanation of iOS rotation matrix

Do the sensor fusion algorithms of Core Motion take advantage of the Kalman filter?

Using quaternion instead of roll, pitch and yaw to track device motion

Check NSError code in swift

swift core-motion nserror

Prompting permission for Motion & Fitness data

Listening to device shake event on background mode [duplicate]

What replaces the iOS 5 deprecated accelerometer:didAccelerate? [closed]

Swift watchOS 2 - CMSensorDataList

swift core-motion watchos-2

get pitch, yaw, roll from a CMRotationMatrix

ios opengl-es core-motion