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How to take a screenshot in cordova/phonegap application

Show multiple lines in push notification android Phonegap

What are some of the ways to store data using Cordova/PhoneGap/Ionic?

Cordova is running the wrong Java version. How do I get Cordova to run a specific Java version?

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Ionic Cordova Camera not working

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Adding an app shortcut to android homescreen in an Ionic + Cordova app

cordova detecting orientation change

cordova orientation

Please install Android target: "android-21"

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Ionic platform events not working

Get base64 of audio data from Cordova Capture

Android GCM collapse even if with different collapse keys

Cordova android can't copy image from cache directory

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Specify different repositories when using Cordova gradle wrapper

android cordova gradle gradlew

Error installing cordova

Cordova hook to change the app name for iOS and Android


71mb added to app size for crosswalk

Content-Security-Policy breaking console.log output

AWS S3 signed url encode resulting "SignatureDoesNotMatch"

How to implement Push Notifications in cordova iOS application

How to calculate the distance to a beacon based on tx, rssi and accuracy