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New posts in crosswalk-runtime

71mb added to app size for crosswalk

Previous data still present after $state.go() in Ionic Framework with Crosswalk

AppRTC android crosswalk

Crosswalk call Java method from JavaScript

Crosswalk call js function from java on android

Disable contextual selection menu in crosswalk (cordova)

is crosswalk faster than cocoonjs

Cordova crosswalk app crash

How to debug Crosswalk webview remotely?

Crosswalk Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':_armv7DebugCompile'

Android: Huge apk size increase when using crosswalk browser

Crosswalk with Eclipse crashes

Is it possible to use crosswalk-cordova inside of Android Studio?

Is there any real benefit using crosswalk for Android 4.4 & above?