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New posts in conventions

What is the benefit of nesting functions (in general/in Swift)

What is the difference between lib/src and /bin in dart?

Why are getters prefixed with the word "get"?


Scala naming convention for "setters" on immutable objects

scala conventions

In 0-based indexing system, do people call the element at index 0 the "first" or the "zeroth" element?

Ways to avoid/lessen the pain of the return value check after every single function call?

Clojure code static analysis tools

clojure conventions

Python readability hints for a Java programmer

Conventions for the behavior of double or triple "click to select text" features?

About "eval is evil" and "consenting adults" [closed]

What's the name for a mix of snake case and camel case?

AmazonS3: custom error pages

Resolve dependencies only from specified namespace

git commit - format?

Research into Advantages of Having a Standard Coding Style

styles conventions

The name of 16 and 32 bits

Can I force the use of 'this' keyword in c# .NET?

python code convention using pylint

python conventions pylint

One line functions in C?

What are some useful PHP Idioms?

php conventions