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WPF/Silverlight : Templating Custom Control PARTIALLY

Is GetTemplateChild Obsolete in .Net 3.5 and what is the difference between FrameWorkTemplate.FindName and ControlTemplate.FindName

c# wpf controltemplate

Base a ControlTemplate on another ControlTemplate

How to change control template from Style.Triggers

Design-time data for ControlTemplate

Create a visualtree off of a control template in code

Change appearance of WPF DatePicker's textbox

Black background of WPF Window

c# wpf controltemplate

How do I reliably determine if a `ControlTemplate` is being used in a WPF application?

.net wpf controltemplate

TemplatedParent is null when used inside a ControlTemplate's DataTrigger

Include a Button in a TextBox

ItemTemplate does not affect selected item of AutoCompleteBox

WPF altering property on just PART_EditableTextBox of a combBox

wpf controltemplate

How to use TwoWay binding from within a UserControl?

ContentPresenter within ControlTemplate cannot change attached dependency property

DataContext as Source for Converter Binding Within Resources

When to use TemplateBinding and TemplatedParent in WPF

How to change the CornerRadius of the Combobox WPF

How to create a WPF combobox flat style?