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New posts in controller

Spring mvc filter for some controllers

What is the MVC way of simultaneously sending a file and redirecting to a new page?

asp.net-mvc controller

ExtJS 4.1 Call One Controller From Another

events extjs controller

Route to controller in subfolder not working in Laravel 4

ASP.NET MVC unit testing with MOQ object

Rails: prepend_before_action in superclass

Spring MVC controller - getPathInfo() is null

spring-mvc controller

Why is auth typically in the Controller in MVC?

Controller logic vs Service/Business layer logic

Best way to display current logged-on user in default.ctp?

Single Controller, multiple (inherited) classes (rails 3)

Unable to inject `$http` using AngularJS explicit `app.controller` syntax?

In a Rails controller test, how to access a different controller action?

Rails 3 link or button that executes action in controller

How to think about Controllers in angularjs

redirect_to edit

Spring: controller inheritance using @Controller annotation

HttpContext.Current.User is null in ControllerBase(asp.net mvc)

Pass JSON to MVC 3 Action

What is the difference between a Controller and a Facade?