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New posts in configurationsection

Help with using ConfigurationSection to properly read from a config file

ConfigurationSection multiple enum values

How to loop through configurationSection

c# configurationsection

Intellisense for custom config section problem with namespaces

How can I use TypeConverters with a ConfigurationSection?

Sections must only appear once per config file! why?

Does .net custom config section elements have to have keys?

How do I use .NET custom ConfigurationElement properties on descendent elements?

Can I specify a range with the IntegerValidator attribute on a custom ConfigurationSection?

ConfigurationSection ConfigurationManager.GetSection() always returns null

Loading a ConfigurationSection with a required child ConfigurationElement with .Net configuration framework

How to read system.webserver configuration section?

custom ConfigurationSection

How to get all sections by name in the sectionGroup applicationSettings in .Net 2.0

Custom Configuration, ConfigurationElements, and ConfigurationProperties

ConfigurationProperty is inaccessible due to its protection level

Correct implementation of a custom config section with nested collections?

Can't load a manifest resource with GetManifestResourceStream()