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New posts in conditional-statements

How do you notify a handler in Ansible based solely on a conditional?

Improve C++ style for simple conditions

Makefile: ifeq directive compares special variable to constant does not work

Conditional Import in LaTeX?

Conditions in Spring expression language(SpEL) used in bean definition

MySQL: if field is empty assign a value

An INSERT conditioned on COUNT

Simulating conditionals

c conditional-statements

Dynamic conditions in WHERE clause

Wordpress: Change user role conditionally

Can I code CSS specifically for Mac browsers?

How do I check if a man page exists?

Assigning values in a sequence to a group of consecutive rows leaving some rows empty

Conditional CSS for Internet Explorer 10 only [duplicate]

How to write a complicated condition

Knockout conditional styling of the option elements of an "unbound" SELECT element

In JavaScript, does an if with multiple or's evaluate all statements before continuing? [duplicate]

how to calculate the mean with conditions? [duplicate]

Condition for columns based on same index as vector

Javascript short condition meaning