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Dynamic conditions in WHERE clause

I have a stored procedure and would like to know if its possible to build up a dynamic where condition based on a parameter.

Lets say I have this query:

FROM tbl_Users

Now, I have a parameter called @username, which I would like to use to build up a dynamic where condition (which through my program might be 1 or more conditions). To achieve something like that I use the following statement:

FROM tbl_Users
@username -- where this parameter might hold a condition string such as "Where usr_Username = 5 and usr_first_name like '%Frank%' etc

Is it possible to do something like this?

like image 921
Kelish Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 09:02


2 Answers

You're going to have to break into dynamic sql for this.

it would run something like this:

declare @sql varchar(max)

set @sql = '
    SELECT *
    FROM tbl_Users
    WHERE ' + @username

exec (@sql)
like image 75
Jon Egerton Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 18:03

Jon Egerton

I'm not certain I understand you, but if my understanding is correct, you can do the following (NOTICE: injection vulnerable)

DECLARE @SQL varchar(500) = 'SELECT * FROM tbl_users ' + @username

like image 44
Sam DeHaan Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 18:03

Sam DeHaan