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New posts in concurrency

java: executors + tasks + locks

Moving from EDU to java.util.concurrent cuts the performance twice

How do I get an AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater from a scala companion object?

Java Object Construction In Multi-Threaded Environment

Performance problem: CPU intensive work performs better with more concurrency in Erlang

Building an high performance node.js application with cluster and node-webworker

How do you stop a thread and flush its registers into the stack?

What determines which of two competing threads acquires a lock?

java concurrency

std::packaged_task compile error w/ gcc 4.6

c++ concurrency c++11 g++ std

What is the proper way to test a highly concurrent worker thread system?

Tomcat thread waiting on and locking the same resource

Pause execution until Websocket connects

How to interrupt asynchronous computations in Scala?

How to create a capacity-restricted queue implementation?

java concurrency

Using LongAdder to calculate a max value for a statistical counter?

Scala's blocking context doesn't seem to do well with mixed blocking / non-blocking jobs. Why?

R-bounded waiting for the Peterson Lock


Whether to use invokeAll or submit - java Executor service

How to enable experimental C++11 concurrency features in MinGW?

c++ gcc concurrency c++11 mingw

How many threads does Clojure's pmap function spawn for URL-fetching operations?

concurrency clojure pmap