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New posts in concurrency

Which scala collection is best for constructing a resource pool

Good Practice of using ThreadLocal in Java

How to know the cause of InterruptedException in Java

compareAndSet memory effects of unsuccessful operations

Java combine explicit locks with synchronized methods

monitor and conditional variable, are they the same?

CyclicBarrier re-use Example

handling millions of requests/second: how does load balancer(main server thread) works

C# Dictionary concurrent add or modify only for different keys, is ConcurrentDictionary necessary?

Implement custom connection pool?

Can we use `shuffle()` instruction for reg-to-reg data-exchange between items (threads) in WaveFront?

Python 3 multiprocessing.Process inside class?

RejectedExecutionException coming from single thread executor

How the example from Java Concurrency in practice is thread safe

Spring StopWatch concurrency

Is there a way to release the file lock for a xarray.Dataset?

ConcurrentHashMap with functional programming. Is suspending unsafeRun safe?

Doctrine2 ORM select for update

php mysql concurrency doctrine

What is best way to have Bounded Queue with ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor?

Can multiple threads see writes on a direct mapped ByteBuffer in Java?