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New posts in computational-geometry

Checking that the geometry for a triangle is contained in a list of lines

Rotation about a given point

how to align two meshes

How to handle 3D voxels efficiently?

Most isolated point on 2d map - algorithm

common overlap of N circles

A Brute-Force Constrained Delaunay Triangulation?

2D Level of Detail (LOD) algorithm

Algorithm to compute total area covered by a set of overlapping segments?

How to find the largest circle that lies within a sampled boundary?

How to find the polygon enclosing a point from a set of lines?

How to find minimum possible projection of a polygon on X axis, after rotating at an arbitrary angle?

Graham scan issue at high amount of points

Find the diameter of a set of n points in d-dimensional space

find area of 3D polygon

Outermost Polygon from a set of Edges

Is there an algorithm to find nearby points using only polar coordinates?

Given an irregular polygon's vertex list, how to create internal triangles to build a flat 3D mesh efficiently?

Computing face normals and winding

Computational Geometry open source lib [closed]