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New posts in planar-graph

Fast algorithm to uncross any crossing edges in a set of polygons

polygons planar-graph

D3js Force-directed graph link intersections avoid

Fastest Algorithm For Graph Planarization

Algorithm to make a simple graph planar [closed]

Graph Planarity with Fixed Node Positions

How to find the polygon enclosing a point from a set of lines?

How to certify a planar embedding?

Finding Hamiltonian cycles in cubic planar graphs

Open Source Graph Drawing program supporting Planar graph testing? [closed]

List of problems that are in general NP-hard but have polynomial-time solution in planar graphs?

Connect an even number of nodes without intersection

Implementations of planar graphs/maps (with embeddings)

python graph planar-graph

small cycle finding in a planar graph

Minimize Cross Edges in a Graph

Minimizing number of crossings in a bipartite graph

How to check if a Graph is a Planar Graph or not?