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New posts in computational-geometry

GPU-friendly 2D line segment intersection algorithm

Algorithm for completing a partial triangulation (Constrained Triangulation)

Boolean operations on a SVG pathstring

How to correct winding of triangles to counter-clockwise direction of a 3D Mesh model?

Actual implementation of the medial axis transform?

Identifying the original edge of a union polygon

Flood filling of 3-dimensional polygon

Generating vertex normals for smooth shading with crease angle in Three.js

farthest point voronoi diagram of 3 points

Find separating line between two polygons


Closest pair of points across a line

Find all 4 possible normals to an ellipse

Find the perimeter of a subset of a near-regular grid of points

How do I compute, in O(n) time, a convex hull of a set of points which are sorted by x-coordinate?

How to detect rectangle in a rectangle?

Java AWT - Draw a Polygon connected by smooth curved lines

Given a set of polygons and a series of points, find the which polygons are the points located

Detecting if angle is more than 180 degrees

Triangle partitioning

Mathematically producing sphere-shaped hexagonal grid