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New posts in computational-geometry

Implementing Graham Scan to find the convex hull

How do I minimise the maximum aspect ratio of two subpolygons?

Location of highest density on a sphere

How to plot a separator line between two data classes?

The intersection of the straight line and the triangle sides

Determining ordering of vertices to form a quadrilateral

For a point in an irregular polygon, what is the most efficient way to select the edge closest to the point?

How to find matching time intervals for more than 2 users

Finding the Oriented Bounding Box of a Convex Hull in XNA Using Rotating Calipers

Compile CGAL for iOS / alternate 2D cad library?

Explanation of these seven points in finding the closest pair of points

How to find a nearest point to a given query line from a set of points in O(log n) time with out using duality concept?

Computing average grid size

Creating string art from image

Remove occluded faces on a closed mesh

Given centers, find minimum radius for set of circles such that they fully cover another

Check if a polygon is symmetric