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New posts in composite-key

What is the optimal way to model one-to-many relationships in Cassandra?

hibernate composite key

Why can't I trust a client-generated GUID? Does treating the PK as a composite of client-GUID and a server-GUID solve anything?

Creating composite foreign key constraint

Entity framework: How to return a row from a table with composite keys?

Indexing individual fields of SQL Server composite keys

Using NHibernate's ISession.Get<>() w/ a composite key [duplicate]

How to make a composite key to be unique?

Entity Framework - DB-First - Composite Foreign Keys

Entity Framework Database First - Composite Foreign Keys

Hadoop - composite key

hadoop composite-key

How to create a composite primary key which contains a @ManyToOne attribute as an @EmbeddedId in JPA?

JPA table with 2 primary key fields

How to use NOT EXISTS with COMPOSITE KEYS in SQL for inserting data from POJO

Composite DB keys with Entity Framework 4.0

Oracle composite primary key / foreign key question

sql oracle composite-key

Why do I read so many negative opinions on using composite keys?

Should Hibernate be able to handle overlapping foreign keys?

Hibernate foreign key with a part of composite primary key

Foreign key mapping inside Embeddable class