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New posts in compiler-theory

Control flow graph of a program

LALR(2) dangling else

Subroutine inference

Compiler Optimization, Thread Safe?

Indentation control while developing a small python like language

c++ c yacc lex compiler-theory

P6 Architecture - Register renaming aside, does the limited user registers result in more ops spent spilling/loading?

Is it a solvable problem to generate a regular expression that matches some input set?

How to make a Side-by-Side Compiler for .NET

Putting nodes into the parse tree which shouldn't be there

Inlining Algorithm

What is the precise definition of a lookahead set?

Implementing common subexpression elimination

Why are C and C++ different even after compilation?

c++ c compiler-theory

Unit testing a compiler

Example compilers [closed]

Which programming languages have a regular grammar?

Code generation for expressions with fixed/preassigned register

What language features are required in a programming language to make a compiler?

Compilation vs translation, "compiling" Java to bytecode?

What are the key design choices to make a wicked fast compiler?