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New posts in compiler-optimization

Reduce the number of executions by 3 times, but the execution efficiency is almost unchanged. In C

Impact of using LLVM-GCC to resolve issues on 2nd generation device running iOS 4.2.1 [duplicate]

C++ Linker error when using O1 optimization

Force GCC not to optimize away an unused variable?

Compiling Chrome/Chromium with performance considerations

Divide by zero with loop optimization VC++ 2015

Compile Haxe to fully stripped cpp target?

How to hint to Visual C++ compiler optimizer that a specific branch of an if-statement is unlikely to be executed?

Do branch likelihood hints carry through function calls?

Missed optimization in clang only on powers of two

Function not called in code gets called at runtime

Why might a C++ compiler duplicate a function exit basic block?

What is supercompilation?