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New posts in compass-geolocation

How to improve accuracy of accelerometer and compass sensors?

Accelerometer & gyro accuracy in different mobile device

iPhone compass presents the wrong heading pitch angle is > about 45°

Calculating magnetic heading using raw accelerometer and magnetometer data

Wrong compass heading values with CoreMotion

Android accelerometer, sensor usage and power consumption

How to retrieve high quality compass orientation (as in Google Maps)?

Get geographical direction using magnetic heading

Show wind direction on Google Maps

Android getOrientation Azimuth gets polluted when phone is tilted

How to get Direction in Android (Such as North, West)

Getting the difference between two headings

android compass seems unreliable

Android Compass point to my location instead of north

Finding Direction in iPhone like in Compass?

Android compass example

Android: Problems calculating the Orientation of the Device

Compass True Heading in iPhone/iPad

Sensor Fusion on iOS Devices