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New posts in collision-detection

Predator-prey simulation

How can I track all of my Box2D collisions in a clean, manageable manner?

Can't detect collision properly using Rectangle.Intersects()

c# xna collision-detection

find all inner grid points of a polygon made up from neighbouring grid points

2D Platformer Collision Problems With Both Axes

c++ 2d sdl collision-detection

Java collision detection for rotated rectangles?

Java Tile Game - Collision Detection

Simple Javascript collision detection?

How do I test for collision of two moving 2d oriented bounding boxes?


Tile based collision in XNA

c# xna collision-detection

SpriteKit - Determine Side A Square Collided With

3d race game collision detection

3d collision-detection

Detect overlapping of rectangular prisms

How can i count the number of collisions in a hash table?

How to identify the collision of two imageviews when they are moving with animation?

Chipmunk collision detection

2D Rectangle Collision detection in Android

How to get collision detection of circle and triangle

c++ collision-detection

2D Platformer Collision Handling

Finding border pixels of a image with transparent surrounding (for collision detection)