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New posts in collision-detection

Java Game Dev: Checking if player is in-between two y coords

java 2d collision-detection

Tricky Line Algorithm for a Game (language agnostic)

Finding the point on a simplex closest to the origin using GJK's distance subalgorithm

USphereComponent and Overlap Events

Sprite-Kit registering multiple collisions for single contact

Collision detection shouldn't make object teleport up

Finding nearest available space without colliding with existing points

Need help with implementing collision detection using the Separating Axis Theorem

Collision checking on slopes

Android Game Development: Collision Detection Failing

How to check if a circle lies inside of convex polygon

collision detection on more than 2 divs with jQuery draggable?

Algorithm for accurate detection of overlap between a square and a circle? [duplicate]

best way to implement collision detector in oop

How to run a Phaser engine without a window?

Collision detection between two accelerating spheres with no initial velocity?

Javascript Canvas Game - Collision Detection

Polygon Intersection fails, collision "size" too big

How would I detect the edges of an image (transparent background) in Java?

Alternatives for updating mesh collider in runtime?